TE KARAKA 92 – Makariri/Winter 2023 – Contents: astronomer Victoria Campbell; legacy of the Māori Fisheries Settlement 30 years on; Kaikōura mātaitai win for Ngāi Tahu; Māori All Black and Crusader Tim Bateman; Koukourarata and Tūtehuarewa, 100 years on; protec ting pāua; indigenising the landscape with urban design; centuarian Pam Jungersen; James Bowden's police career; ocean expeditions to the Great South; endangered Takaraha/Hoiho (yellow-eyed penguin); and more. Te Karaka is a current affairs and lifestyle magazine focusing on indigenous issues in New Zealand; it is published by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the Māori people of the southern islands of New Zealand, and offers insight into the world of Ngāi Tahu, issues that affect the iwi (tribe) and in turn affect New Zealand.