TE KARAKA 89 – Raumati/Summer 2021/22 – Contents: Georgia-Rae Flack and her tiny home; sketches of Kāi Tahu tīpuna in 1830s Poihākena; Te Puna Waiora – the distinguished weavers of Te Kāhui Whiritoi; Waitaki River restoration project by Te Rūnanga o Moeraki; Paralympic Gold winner Holly Robinson; 100 years of Koukourarata memories; Reo Māori Mai – making learning fun and accessible; reclassifying stweardship land within the Ngāi Tahu takiwā; a robust kōrero about the Deaf within Ngāi Tahu; Trans-Tasman Resources – the Supreme Court on Tikanga and Te Tiriti; and more. Te Karaka is a current affairs and lifestyle magazine focusing on indigenous issues in New Zealand; it is published by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the Māori people of the southern islands of New Zealand, and offers insight into the world of Ngāi Tahu, issues that affect the iwi (tribe) and in turn affect New Zealand.